Exclusive Q&A With “TMNT” Villainess Minae Noji
This is an exciting week for cinema, due to the release of the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” reboot. The Jonathan Liebesman directed film will focus on Shredder and his evil Foot Clan’s power over New York City. Four brothers will then unite and leave the sewers to fulfill their destiny as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and take down Shredder. One character you will see fighting against the Ninja Turtles will be Karai. She will be played by Japanese-American actress Minae Noji. Her career is on fire and can be found in movies, television shows, and video games. Skylyr Ballew had the opportunity to speak with the villainess herself, check out the Q&A below.

Photo by Simon Perry
Minae Noji: There are more limitations on-screen than there are in voice-overs. For instance, in front of the camera, I am restricted to being a person who is an adult, female, of Asian descent, who has small pinkies. (I have very small pinkies.) But in the voice over world, I could be a Caucasian blonde buxom woman, a bratty 5 year old boy….and even a 100 lb cat. Meoooooow.
THEPOPFIX: You will be portraying Karai in one of this summer’s most highly anticipated films, “TMNT.” For those who are unfamiliar with her story, what role does she play in the film?
Minae Noji: Karai is a kick-ass, ninja, baddie who is second-in-command to The Shredder. Her name means salty or spicy and she certainly lives up to her name.
THEPOPFIX: In your Twitter bio you confess that you are “nuts about studly ninjas.” Can you describe how it feels to be a part of this “TMNT” reboot?
Minae Noji: I grew up a big fan of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” so being a part of this film was a dream come true. I used to fantasize about hanging with the Turtles in their lair and gobbling up pizza with them. If you told me as a kid, years later I would be in a “TMNT” movie, I would’ve said, “Get outta here, you’re pullin’ my turtle leg!”
THEPOPFIX: Of course I have to ask you now, who’s your favorite Ninja Turtle?
Minae Noji: Hands down, Donatello. He is strong, kind, funny and mega mega smart! There’s nothing like a big brain. Now I just need to find my “Donatello” in human form.
THEPOPFIX: Remakes and franchise reboots are popping up left and right. What is your view point on the current industry trend?
Minae Noji: I don’t mind reboots, as long as they’re good. If done right, the power of remakes, is it keeps the legacy going. So a whole new generation could fall in love with the franchise we grew up loving. It’s pretty cool to see adults AND kids walk around the city with “TMNT” t-shirts and backpacks. “Go Ninja Go!”
THEPOPFIX: I just finished watching all 7 episodes of your current web series, “Love Midori.” I have to admit, the show is hilarious. For those who have yet to see the series, can you describe what the episodes entail?
Minae Noji: “Love Midori” is about a perma-single young woman who is her own worst enemy, enters the shark pool of speed dating looking for her soul mate. Each episode is a short speed date and they’re very colorful. We had a blast shooting the show and all the actors were incredible.
THEPOPFIX: How similar is “Love Midori” to Minae Noji? What is your version of a perfect dream date?
Minae Noji: There are some similarities and certainly differences as well. Like Love, I speak my mind…even though it may be a little raw or inappropriate. However, I am definitely not as incompetent as Love is. There are some really uncomfortable moments in some of the episodes.
As for the perfect date? I don’t think there is such a thing. If people were perfect, we would be so boring. However, I know I need a man that’s funny. And not in the “match.com generic description” kind of way…I’m talking he has to have wit and be a genuinely funny human being…to me. Laughter is such a huge part of my life.
THEPOPFIX: Lastly, what inspired you to create your own web series?
Minae Noji: I believe in always pushing yourself and facing your fears. Every year, I ask myself, what I’m afraid of and then I write it down and do it. The process is excruciating, but it’s always worth it in the end. “Love Midori” is the scariest thing I’ve done creatively, since I also wrote and directed it. I always say, “Face your fears and go for it….even if you’re trembling on the inside. You are more powerful than you think.”
For more on Minae Noji make sure to follow her on Instagram & Facebook. She also has two blogs spreading her wisdom & love for rats, yes rats!
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