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Articles Archive for 22 March 2010

Music, The Critic »

by Rudy Klapper [22 Mar 2010 | 2 Comments | 1,939 views]
THE CRITIC: Goldfrapp’s “Head First” Full of Disco and Glam-Pop Throwbacks

Seventh Tree, Alison Goldfrapp and Will Gregory’s fourth album, was a bit of a detour from the glossy, ’80s pop sheen of their last couple of records, drawing from nature, and pagan worship than your typical electro-diva effort. Predictably, it also sold less than Goldfrapp’s previous work, so it should come as little surprise that their fifth album returns unabashedly to the roots of Goldfrapp’s [financial] success. I could say that Head First combines the up-tempo, synth-heavy electronic dance of Supernature and Black Cherry with some of the ambient, folkier sounds of their superb debut and Seventh Tree, but that sort of mixture is more often the exception rather than the rule. No, Head First rather brazenly throws everything to the wind and kneels to its glam-pop influences without an ounce of shame.