Your Boyfriend’s Christmas List
Oh my Lord. Christmas is just around the corner! Just thinking about it, I’m already getting images of Speidi celebrating Christmas as a married couple, surrounded by their new poodles in perfect harmony with Spencer’s fake beard. Or Lady Gaga dressed up as a futuristic Santa Claus. Or one of the Kardashians as Santa’s little helper in a desperate publicity stunt! Dreams do come true, right?
Needless to say, I’ve been invaded (or raided) by the anticipated holiday spirit. Here, I managed to put together a wish list that any guy in your life would appreciate. Good luck holiday shopping!
1. Thou shalt wear boots. All boots, any boots. I particularly like the John Varvatos style, like the one below.

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2. Rock the scarf. It’s nice, tidy, small and warm. And cheap! Target has a great selection here.
3. Long, slimming and well-cut coats. That’s the way to go. It’s cold and lonely, but at least stylish.

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4. Wear leather. Who cares about cows (joking, only joking, PETA)? Love it, wear it, rock it like you must: tight, skinny, and studded. This Armani one is quite interesting because of the light gray color, so try it.

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5. V-neck it. V-necks are the hype and you should include them. Make sure you have good pecs, otherwise it won’t be a nice show!

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6. Finally, please, buy a vest. But not any vest, try Prada in nylon, it always goes great with your eyes (or any eyes).

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Ohhh those boots are hot, but kid of expensive.