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“New year, new me.” Many of us in the new year set goals to become more productive, to eat healthier, or even simple achievements like setting time aside to watch more movies. When trying to figure out how to get your body in the ideal shape a good diet is key. One of the most common ways of finding out diet secrets is by seeing Hollywood stars try them out. Some of the celebrity diet trends may not be as accessible for the non elite, but there is one trend that is easily doable for everyone. Juicing is a healthy alternative way of consuming larger amounts of fresh fruit and produce. Testimonial benefits of juicing include increased energy, weight loss, hair growth, and glowing skin. Another awesome aspect to juicing is for those who don’t exactly enjoy eating all these key fruits and vegetables, but by combining these in juiced form gives the ability to receive all the important daily vitamins needed to feel up your daily fuel tank.
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We are three weeks into January and in these final days we are all finding out who stuck to their new year’s resolutions and who just couldn’t hold on. Becoming active and getting in shape is on average one of the more popular resolutions. The gyms become overly crowded and fitness companies smile due to the increase in clothing and equipment being purchased. Sadly a lot of these clothes still have the tags on them and the new weights haven’t been lifted up once. In a couple weeks it will be a new month and everyone loves fresh starts. With that being said it’s time to turn Netflix off and give those running shoes another try. THEPOPFIX wants to assist you in the transition from indulging yourself with movies by incorporating that into your workout regimen.
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Fixin’ for some pop culture? We feel you. Start receiving newsletters with the latest videos, articles, and exclusives from THEPOPFIX in three easy steps! Fill in the form below, click the link in the confirmation email that should be well on it’s way to your inbox, and prepare yourself for greatness. Third step is optional, but highly recommended…
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If you were one of the most talked about celebrities, what would you do to celebrate the end of one crazy year, and that beginning of your ability to legally drink in the great country of America?Strippers, and midgets, and nudity – OH MILEY! Here’s a look at how bad girl du jour Miley Cyrus celebrated her 21st birthday…
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Does your favorite mascara have the intensity to survive 24 hours under pressure, withstanding the elements, pillows, or a night fending off douchebags at the local club du jour? Going where no woman has dared go before, I put five different mascaras to what I officially dubbed as “The Morning After Test,” a rigorous cosmetic obstacle course comprised of various hurdles womenkind have encountered during extended wear including (but not limited to): smudges, smears, clumps, and waking up looking like you barely survived a bar brawl. And yes, I actually slept in them, making this a must read for walk-of-shamers, and habitual-inebriated-passer-outers everywhere. Read on for my scientific findings…