Articles in the Soapbox Category
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If you never go east of the 405 you know you got westside pride! As a life-long resident of the greater Los Angeles westside, THEPOPFIX’s Kristin Mineo’s talking Santa Monica stereotypes on this week’s SOAPBOX. It’s a must-see for anyone who’s into juicing, yoga pants, and/or never going to the beach even though you live within walking distance.
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Self-help has gone too far. It’s aggressive. The internet is inundated, drowning in self-help articles and they’re starting to sound a lot like the covers of magazines like Self or Cosmo. Don’t get us wrong, we’re all for self-improvement, but it’s getting to the point where the self-industry is just over-played, cheesy, and driving us crazy. We need a pause from self-help, and that’s why Kristin Mineo’s on her SOAPBOX sharing about why she’s so over self-help.
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“Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!” The Tim Burton classic turns 26 this week and the ghost with the most has appeared in the news a lot over the last six months as original cast and crew have been discussing the possibility of returning for a sequel, and this is why our own Clarke Wolfe thinks it’s a terrible idea. See the video, here!
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If history has proven anything it’s that there’s something slightly sexy about a tousled and untamed mane. But just when I was on the brink of being charmed by the devil-may-care attitude of the careless-looking dudes who roam the streets of Echo Park sporting their disheveled ‘dos, I turned on the TV – One Direction? Who are these guys, and more importantly, where is their stylist?
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Did you hit up a club on this three day weekend? Then we know you saw them: Slutty T-Rexes! The girls in a cluster, like little predators hunting for their prey. If the man is moving, drinking alcohol, warm-blooded and is somewhat good-looking, game over for that dude. Kristin Mineo explains on this week’s Soapbox!
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Do you all have the internet or television? Probably the internet, since you’re reading this article. If that is indeed the case, you are probably familiar with Kanye West, or as I like to call him, “The gift that keeps on giving.” I’m actually a big fan of Kanye’s. When I first moved to LA, 808’s and Heartbreak was my JAM album. I sang back up on “Gold Digger” karaoke just last week. But Houston, we have a problem…
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It’s a polarizing topic that’s troubled many a holiday season enthusiast. How soon is too soon when it comes to listening to Christmas music? In this episode of SOAPBOX, Erin Darling shares her thoughts on why Christmas cheer – spread by the glory of fa-la-la-la-la’s and caroling – shouldn’t be limited to the month of December.
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Halloween came and went recently and as some of you may or may not know, Halloween is my favorite holiday. I’m a horror nerd so any excuse for scary movies, costumes and candy is OK by me. I am also a twenty-something year-old young lady so Halloween often comes with an expectation that I know you all are familiar with. Slutty Halloween costumes. We’ve seen slutty Sesame Street characters, and slutty Ninja Turtles in the past, but this year brought things to a new level of insanity with the introduction of a slutty Rick Grimes Walking Dead costume as well as a sexy pizza slice costume. A sexy pizza slice? What. Is. Happening?