Articles in the Nerd Out Category
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Everyone is still adjusting to the fact that Taco Bell now serves breakfast. This is something they hope will be a permanent feature to their menu. Consumers are used to fast food restaurants adding special items to the menu temporarily, we usually refer to them as seasonal items. We can experience a month or more of deliciousness and then we’re forced to say goodbye to that guilty pleasure until it returns. It may be spring right now and we’re enjoying treats like the Shamrock Shake from McDonald’s, but there are some fall and winter favorites that we’d love to have currently.
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The 90’s totally got it right when it comes to action movies. The 90’s action movie was a delightful blend between the testosterone soaked action flicks of the 80’s and the hyper realistic and self aware action movies that we have today. For more on why we love the 90’s check out the latest installment of NERD OUT!
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Last week I was going about my business, waiting for the valet to bring out my car after a meeting at my agent’s office when all of a sudden I felt a presence behind me. Naturally, I turned around only to reveal that the aforementioned presence was none other than the one and only Tobey Maguire! To see what happened next, click here to watch this week’s episode of NERD OUT!
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Ah! “True Detective.” So awesome. So great. I can’t! Did you see the finale last night? For a show that not a lot of people saw coming – for all intents and purposes to many it looked like just another crime drama – fans discovered outstanding performances (Hello McConaissance!), incredibly structured writing and a show that put director Cary Fukunaga on the map…
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Have you ever been in line at Target and thought to yourself, “I wonder what my spirit animal is?” Whether you have or haven’t, I bet you’ve had a strange animal occurrence once or twice that left you bamboozled. Maybe you made eye contact with an eagle. Or felt like a spider on the wall was watching you. I don’t know. Just throwin’ it out there. In this episode of THEPOPFIX, Kristin Mineo shares her story of how she found her spirit animal. Watch the video and find out how to find your spirit animal. It gets weird…