Articles in the Badvice Category
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Happy Mother’s Day! In honor of this holiday, the ladies of THEPOPFIX are recounting some of the worst advice we’ve ever received from our mothers in this special episode of BADvice. Because sometimes, mother doesn’t always know best. Like this video? Be sure to subscribe, and share your worst motherly advice in the comments below!
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Anyone that’s ever had a relationship knows that being in one can be hard. But being out of one is worse. Why waste time starting over and meeting new people, when you have a plethora of suitors to choose from already in your iPhone! Dating your ex is fun! But it can be tricky terrain to navigate. Luckily, you have Erin Darling – a bona fide expert in dating people she’s already dated, she’s got all the handy hints you need to know before firing up an old flame.
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It’s no coincidence that Valentine’s Day is right after The Superbowl. It’s only fair that men should have to make up to their girlfriends after a football season of abject neglect. Thank you in advance. When planning Valentine’s Day for the special lady in your life, there are a few simple things to keep in mind that will make your life a whole lot easier. Even those of you with the best intentions have probably messed up a Valentine’s Day or two, only to spend the night on the couch wondering why your girl was pissed off when you showed up at her apartment with a Ralph’s bouquet of roses and a card with an adorable puppy on the front. Amateurs. Here’s how to not mess it up this year…
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Single’s Awareness Day (noun) – A holiday for the unattached that is celebrated annually on, or around Valentine’s Day. Or, if you prefer your definitions from Urban Dictionary, an alternate name for Valentine’s Day, usually used in a negative sense by those who have no valentine. You don’t have to be S.A.D. on Single’s Awareness Day – despite what the acronym so inconveniently suggests. Celebrate the fact that you’re not spending your time arguing over whose turn it is to unload the dishwasher, pretending that you enjoy spending time with his meddling mother, or missing out on countless nights out with friends due to the commitments of a time-sucking relationship. If you’re unattached this Valentine’s Day, celebrate your singledom!
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Have you ever wished you knew the secret to instantly shed that unwanted fat? Now, thanks to THEPOPFIX you finally have the information you need look like you’ve lost 10 lbs in just a matter of minutes! In this episode of BADvice, Kristin Mineo shares the secrets to looking slim. So simple, anyone could do it!
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We’ve all been there. That point in a relationship when you stop going out to dinner every night and come to the tragic realization that your culinary knowledge is limited to opening a can of Campbell’s soup. And you find yourself in that terrifying situation where you have to actually cook something for your significant other and you can no longer rely on help from the professionals to whip up a home-cooked meal…or can you? The bad news is if you found this article from a Google search, you probably have the cooking proficiency of a toddler, and that’s just sad. The good news is, we’re here to help…
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Hard to believe it’s almost over, right? As July comes to an inevitable close, it’s time to come to grips with the depressing fact that the last days of summer are upon us. But instead of spending your August days lamenting the end of pool-weather, and the fast-approaching season of the sweater, make the most of the next few weeks with the help of this list inspired by summertime nostalgia. What’s that you say? “Slurpees are for kids?” We at THEPOPFIX can’t deny there’s probably some truth to that statement, but that doesn’t mean we have to support it. Viva la summer!