Posts Tagged ‘Travel’

What Do Psychics and Packing Have in Common?

By Erin • Mar 13th, 2008 • Category: All, Blog

There are a few basic skills that, if mastered, can make your life much easier. Tasks like tying your shoes, making a sandwich, and knowing how to do your own laundry all make that list. For me, packing a suitcase is one of those basic skills that I have yet to perfect. Everytime I’m faced with the seemingly simple task of filling my luggage, a wave of debilitating confusion comes over me. Questions fill my head such as; How many jeans should do I need for five days? Am I going to regret not bringing those black pumps? What am I forgetting?

Spring Break Destinations for the Avante-Garde

By Erin • Mar 13th, 2008 • Category: Scene, Shop

I must admit that spring break destinations have become increasingly typical. You can expect Acapulco, Cabo, Cancun, and any other touristy city in Mexico to be overrun with college students over the next few weeks as they celebrate a much-needed break from studying…with tequila. Mexico has emerged as a popular destination for spring breakers because it’s inexpensive, relatively close, and the legal drinking age is 18. However, while a Mexican getaway can be fun, here are some options for the more adventurous traveler looking for a truly unique experience: