Articles Archive for 29 June 2009
Celebrity, Fashion, Music, Opinions »

Beth Ditto is now everywhere for her exuberant looks, her powerful interpretations and for being all over from LA to Paris, performing for Fendi at Fashion Week, or just appearing at galas to promote both her music and her outrageous image, that goes from long colorful McQueen dresses to rock and roll diva leather jackets. She is more famous for her looks and quotes (she loves stating that she will kiss this or that girl) than for her glorious music. Topshop, that has successfully triumphed all over Britain and now is loved in the USA, with trendy styles that are actually affordable, presented Ditto with the opportunity to perform at their London stage, which she declined, for being too oversized to ever fit one of their twinkly little mini dresses. In her opinion, it was stupid for her to put her face in an event honoring something that was not accessible to her at all. And she was right for doing so…