Awkward Holiday Gift Guide
In order to find the perfect present it all depends on the giftee. If you are lucky enough your family member or friend has been hinting around to what they want. In other cases you may have someone that you don’t really know very much about and the gift ideas are just not coming to your mind. Then we have the ones where the gift idea frustration becomes so difficult that the whole situation has become awkward. What do I buy them? What do they even like? If I buy them this, will they hate it? These are the questions that make gift giving even more aggravating then those annoying Christmas songs. Hopefully THEPOPFIX can help ease your gift giving stress by breaking it down in our Awkward Holiday Gift Guide.
Awkward Holiday
Gift Guide

Now dog owners absolutely love their pet, but the holiday is very hard on your wallet. You may be stressing out on buying presents for your kids, but they keep asking what you’re getting the dog. The debate is always about whether the dog understands whether or not he/she is being left out on the gift giving. Whether dogs understand the holidays or not, spend a few bucks and buy some special treats or a new comfortable doggy bed.
The worst case scenario is if this is your first holiday season with your new spouse’s child and you feel like they already hate you. What can you buy that says you are the new cool parent, but also that you’re not trying to buy their love. This is where a two part gift comes into play. Find out what activities the child loves, like snowboarding or bicycling. Then purchase them some new equipment, but also purchase yourself the same so that you guys can go out together and have fun while getting to know each other better.
Crush At The Office:
Yikes, those office crushes can become super awkward around the holiday. You feel inclined that this is the time where you make the move or let them know you are interested. It’s awkward though because you don’t want to ruin your work relationship, plus the gift exchange is more than likely going to happen at the holiday office party. You work alongside each other for probably 8 hours a day, surely you’ve learned some personal things about her. Don’t go over the top with the present, but show you took the time to get her something she has mentioned or seemed to of needed. If you don’t wanna seem creepy, add a comedic twist to the present.
New Mother-In-Law:
You’ve just got married and now the holidays have arrived and there is new family to buy gifts for. Trying to decide what to get your new mother-in-law puts this giant bucket of fear in your stomach. You have to make the right decision with her gift, because you believe she will judge your gift and compare it to how you will treat her daughter. I believe jewelry will be your best bet. Find out her birthstone or go straight to the diamond section and pick her out a great necklace that she will be proud to say her new son bought her.
Person Who Has Everything:
We get it, your parents were in the railroad industry and they’re loaded. This person has every version of the iPad and drives a 2015 Ferrari. For the person who has everything you must get them something strange. In this case I like the idea of something so impractical that it’s practical. For example this bank that eats your money.
Neighbor Who Always Buys You A Gift:
There is always that overly friendly neighbor that goes the extra mile and purchases your family a holiday gift. You may not even know them that well, yet each year they knock on your door delivering a gift. The easiest present to deliver a neighbor like this is the stereotypical baked goods. You just want to give them an inexpensive present, but they will see it as you deeply care since you took the time to make something.
Cousins You See Only At Thanksgiving & Christmas:
We all have that close family that isn’t really close family at all. We see them basically at funerals and holiday dinners. During the weeks prior to the holidays you debate whether or not you should buy them anything. You don’t really know too much about their personal interests, but it’s obvious they drive places and go out to eat. It’s the simplest route, just purchase a food gift-card to a restaurant chain. #FreeFoodIsFreeFood
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