Musings on Going Vintage
This year we have reviewed trends for the holidays and important fashion shows throughout this year. I expect that you have learned that regardless of money or status, decent looking clothes are a necessity and we all feel that urge to dress accordingly to the latest and greatest trends and/or designers. However, there is a topic I haven’t covered yet, and that topic is “vintage” (used) clothing.
Think about this. You bump into a gorgeous Gaultier in your closet. It’s a two piece suit. Elegant, tailored, dark. It makes you look like a million dollars. It makes you feel alive. But it’s four or five years old. Would you throw it away? Did not think so!
Vintage is not only hip, or old, but used. And used is not bad at all. Just last week I was browsing through racks and stores until I found a great vintage find downtown. Through much digging, looking and perusing, I found a gorgeous Dior shirt in my size and my style. Would I not buy it since it’s used? Hell no! It’s a sin not to rescue those clothes!
What I mean to say is that fashion is cyclical and what you wore yesterday will eventually be trendy again. But, then again, it eats up precious closet space! Vintage stores are a great option to find that special look that can define you.
Needless to say, I walked out the store with my vintage Dior and so can you. Google your local vintage stores, or shop online for great (and easily searchable) deals at sites like

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Ok people seriously, who in their right mind would wear these leopard capri pants? Vintage or not this is a bad fashion choice. There is a reason this type of fashion is vintage and out of style. A better case for buying vintage would have been the Gaultier suit or Dior shirt which was mentioned in the article.
Lets burn these pants so that no unfortunate soul will ever purchase them and become a victim of fashion.
I wouldn’t wear them to a dog fight!
Believe it or not, they are fashionable!
Though I always suggest keeping only one animal print on at a time.
Okay, Gerry.
According to WHO are they fashionable? Who in their right mind would wear these fugly looking pants? Just because they’re designer does not mean they are fashionable. I’m kind of really embarrassed for anyone who would ever wear them who’s under the age of 50 and sane. Scratch that: mortified!
And…btw, who the F*** is gonna buy S*** from here: