Articles in the LA is for Lovers Category
LA is for Lovers »

Hard to believe it’s almost over, right? As July comes to an inevitable close, it’s time to come to grips with the depressing fact that the last days of summer are upon us. But instead of spending your August days lamenting the end of pool-weather, and the fast-approaching season of the sweater, make the most of the next few weeks with the help of this list inspired by summertime nostalgia. What’s that you say? “Slurpees are for kids?” We at THEPOPFIX can’t deny there’s probably some truth to that statement, but that doesn’t mean we have to support it. Viva la summer!
LA is for Lovers »

Most Angelenos know that Culver City is a lot more than just a hub for TV, movie, and digital production. What was once the home of MGM Studios in the golden age of Hollywood has now blossomed into a diverse and developing neighborhood, blocks bursting with new places to peruse. With hints of old Hollywood, an active art district, and tons of new businesses, bars, and restaurants moving in, it’s easy to spend a day getting to know Culver City. Next time you find yourself in this nook of West LA, here are some hot spots you won’t want to miss…
LA is for Lovers »

What’s not to love about summer in Los Angeles? It’s that special time of year when the weather is warm, days are long, and everyone’s itching to spend some time outside. With all of the fun outdoor events that a summer in LA has to offer, it’s the perfect opportunity to get out of the house, and switch up your date night routine with a little summertime spice. So ditch your usual drill of Netflix and a bottle of wine to try a new kind of night out. Don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, we got your back…
LA is for Lovers »

1. The difference between “friends” and “happy hour friends” is that “friends” know your birthday, and “happy hour friends” know your favorite shot.
2. All a USC degree means is that you’ve tried every thing on the Del Taco menu and didn’t remember it the next day. Fight on!
3. If his opening line is “I’m a producer,” RUN.
4. Your real age – 5 years = Your Hollywood age.
LA is for Lovers »

It’s no coincidence that Valentine’s Day is right after The Superbowl. It’s only fair that men should have to make up to their girlfriends after a football season of abject neglect. Thank you in advance. When planning Valentine’s Day for the special lady in your life, there are a few simple things to keep in mind that will make your life a whole lot easier. Even those of you with the best intentions have probably messed up a Valentine’s Day or two, only to spend the night on the couch wondering why your girl was pissed off when you showed up at her apartment with a Ralph’s bouquet of roses and a card with an adorable puppy on the front. Amateurs. Here’s how to not mess it up this year…
LA is for Lovers »

This year, why not do something nice on V-day not just for your Valentine – but for any one you care for in general. Show love to your brother, sister, mom, pop, niece, nephew, best friend, gal-pals and yes, even your funny little Valentine. That’s what today is all about, right? Letting people in your life know that you love and care for them (…and eating chocolate too). Despite waiting until the final hour, fear not, sometimes the best gifts are the simple and spontaneous kind. Whether you’re single or have already been hit by cupid’s arrow – here’s a list of great last minute gifts for anyone on your list.
LA is for Lovers »

If you’re ever been single on New Year’s Eve, you know that midnight kisses don’t just happen. They are meticulously planned. Which is exactly why we, single soldiers, need a guide written with military precision to help us execute what may seem like mission impossible. Here is your mission, if you choose to accept it.