Articles tagged with: pop 5
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Summer is swiftly coming to an end, although the Los Angeles weather is no indication. In this city, we don’t do seasons or “sweater weather.” We only know it’s time to hang up our bikinis and beach towels thanks to the influx back-to-school shopping commercials. But before you celebrate the end of summer 2014 with a big BBQ or belligerent blowout, let’s go back to social school. Don’t be caught dead committing these POP 5 party fouls during your Labor Day vacay.
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Here on THEPOPFIX we’ve discussed summer movie season, sequels we’d actually like to see, and what makes our favorite movie franchise. There is one more unavoidable element to being a cinephile, the remake. Also included under the remake is the reboot, the prequel, and the re-imagining. But as frustrating as it can be to see your favorite titles recycled for what appears to be no reason other than lazy studio executives and ruining your childhood, sometimes we forget that remakes aren’t always bad.
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It’s that time, students are saying goodbye to their high school glory days and college graduates are taking their degrees with them in hopes of locking down the job they always wanted. The students at Warren Easton Charter High School were in shock after a surprise from the Oscar-winning-actress Sandra Bullock. When speaking about life lessons, she chose to share the same advice she tells her son. THEPOPFIX wants to dedicate today’s POP 5 to all the graduates of 2014. Good luck!
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Paramount is set to reboot the “Friday The 13th” franchise and according to The Wrap, one of the “V/H/S” directors, David Bruckner, is being considered as a possible director of the film. While we brainstorm on what the plot will be for the new flick, we do know the basis for the newly announced “Friday The 13th” TV series. In the new television series we will get to witness Jason Voorhees roam Crystal Lake during different time periods.
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The comedy genius, Tim Allen, left a big impact on film and television in the 90′s. His ability to make us laugh, seemed as natural as you could get. We welcomed him into our homes each night as he constantly hurt himself accidentally by getting electrocuted or blowing up the dishwasher. Even when he accidentally killed Santa Claus we fell in love with him. He was a father and a friend that we all wished we had. Tim Allen currently reels in the laughs on the ABC show “Last Man Standing,” but let’s take a look back at the roles that made this comedian everyone’s favorite.
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This one goes out to all my adrenaline movie junkies! If you are anything like me, then you love to watch natural disaster movies and imagine what you would do if you were put in that situation. What situations am I referring to? How about, trying not to get sucked up into a tornado or being burnt to a crisp with lava? It’s scary stuff right? What makes these movies truly terrifying is the fact that natural disasters are in no way fictional.
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THEPOPFIX likes to party and I’m sure you do too. The sad thing is, throwing a party is no easy task, especially if you want it to be considered a rager and have it go down in the history books. You might have parents who just won’t ever leave the house or you may live in a neighborhood where the cops would be called within two seconds. If there is something stopping you from hosting your own get together, then the best thing to do is live it out via the movies! Maybe these classic party scenes will help inspire you!