Hugh Jackman Ball-pinched By Japanese Man
Way to kick er, squeeze, a man’s balls while he’s already on the ground.
With a recent leak of Hugh Jackman’s latest movie, X-Men Origins: Wolverine leaked to the public with not so stellar reviews, seems as if the Australian star is heading for another Australia-sized disaster. So when Jackman visited a Japanese show this past week, it seemed as if nothing else could go wrong.
Jackman comes out in true sartorial glory, dressed in a very gentleman-like suit to a room filled with rather cocky Japanese hosts. After graciously shaking every panelist’s hands, the last one he shakes is an over-aroused man who goes for all women and gay men’s fantasies–Jackman’s crotch.
In true charismatic fashion, Jackman does not let this freak him out. He starts going into hysteria, catches his breath, and assures the Japanese that he has “two balls.”
that appearance was not this week. it was over a month ago, maybe more.
This is not new. It happened a month ago…duh!!!
japan is a very very weird weird country…with there hello kitty and grabbing people in the private area…i would have drop kicked that midget in the dome.
thats a rule amongst men ‘no guy should grab another guy in the balls’ man thats just plain wrong.