Articles tagged with: beyonce
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Today is Friday, so there is no reason why we can’t have some fun! Today I won’t go by Skylyr, you can call me Old Boy. This is no nickname that I’m embarrassed about from some horrid high school experience, this is my Kentucky Derby horse generated name! All you have to do is enter your first initial and then the day of the month you were born, and then hit generate. I decided to throw some celebrities into the mix and this is my list of race contestants.
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We at THEPOPFIX would like to give a shout-out to all of those people who almost made it in the entertainment business. So close. So, so, so close. So sad. Even though no one cares about them anymore, we do! And that’s precisely why we’re here to list off the Pop 5 Celebrities With The Worst Luck Ever.
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In case you haven’t heard the huge news, Justin Bieber confused the whole Internet a few weeks ago when he said he was retiring. He told Power 106 in a radio interview that his next album would be his last album and then declared his retirement from the music industry via Twitter, stating: “My beloved Beliebers, I’m retiring.” According to Justin, “Being a Belieber is a lifestyle.” Pretty sure that lifestyle is a classy one, including urinating into a mop bucket at a restaurant before saying “F*ck Bill Clinton” while spraying a liquid at a picture of the former president’s face. (He tweeted to apologize). Now, this could all just be a ploy to get publicity for the release of his epic movie, “Believe,” or his new compilation album, “Journals.” But, for all of the shenanigans, I’ll admit, I’ll rock out to a Bieber song when it comes on the radio. And I might or might not have made a Justin Bieber “Boyfriend” parody. So, as a tribute to Justin, we here at THEPOPFIX want to celebrate his legacy and all of his glory by counting down the most awkward Bieber moments in this POP 5.
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It’s Friday the 13th, a day known for luck. Some say good, some say bad. Pretty sure most of the people who say it’s good luck also were born on the 13th and love black cats. No judgement. In celebration of this day, THEPOPFIX would like to give an official video shout-out to all of those people who almost made it in the entertainment business.
Pop 5, The Cultured Critic »

As the Super Bowl quickly approaches, football fans and non-fans alike prepare for the most watched television event of the year. Another reason to day drink on a Sunday, eat shitty food, and hopefully watch some entertaining commercials. What’s not to love? In fact, the only part of the Super Bowl people don’t actually look forward to is the perpetually disappointing Halftime show. Over the past few years the Halftime show has been marred in horrific performances, lip synching controversies, and FCC rule-altering moments. It’s enough to make you sympathize with the show’s producers. Just thinking about how to make a show entertaining yet tame enough to avoid fines and complaints is a feat in itself. This year’s Halftime performer will be Beyonce, who probably would have avoided all controversy if it wasn’t for her recent lip synching fiasco at the Presidential Inauguration, which will undoubtedly be a hot topic amongst sports announcers grasping at relevant commentary while simultaneously trying to get her name right. Vegas, meanwhile, is busy taking bets on whether her hair will be straight or curly (curly favored 2-1) which only adds to the ridiculousness of the entire event. So in the arena of ridiculousness we at THEPOPFIX have decided to make a list of the absolute least likely have time show performers. Of all time…
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Recently, while watching an episode of Ru Paul’s Drag Race, I saw a couple of drag queens lip-synching for their lives to a song encouraging one to “put their freakum dress on.” “Freakum dress?” I said aloud. “What is this freakum dress and why don’t I have one,” I asked myself, followed by, “How is it that contestants on a gay man’s reality show know more about being a girl than I do?”
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High five Hollywood, we did it! In a record year for minorities, foreigners and homosexuals, the Oscars churned out gold statues with fervor. Danny Boyle, director of the Indian film “Slumdog Millionaire” sat entranced by the ceremony with a smile that could only be compared to an eight-year-old boy who just found a Ken Griffey Jr. MVP baseball card as his film won award after award, totaling a magical eight.
The spectacle was grand and the performances were lavish. Who can argue with Hugh Jackman dancing and singing with the likes of one and only Zac Efron? Efron, whose slick-backed comb over looked more 2002 coke head stock broker than tween icon, could only be described as highly confusing…”What am I doing here, did HSM:3 get some nominations?”
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Beyonce left Sasha Fierce at home yesterday as she humbly performed at both the Inauguration Ceremony and the Inauguration Ball.
A nervous Knowles told Entertainment Tonight prior to the performance that she was “so honored” to be performing for President Obama and First Lady Michelle.
For one of the first times, Knowles showed a softer, almost vulnerable side to the nation and was visibly nervous and star-struck in front of the Obamas.
The Obamas have certainly become celebrities themselves and have transformed into being America’s sweethearts with recent tabloids and newspapers covering their …