Cowell Out: Top Five Jobs for Simon Cowell
With Simon Cowell out of the mix on “American Idol,” speculation is running rampant as to who will take his seat at the judges table. While nothing is certain just yet, there has been chatter of Howard Stern, Elton John and even Perez Hilton possibly filling his shoes on “Idol.” While that’s fine and dandy, there’s more important business to be preoccupied with:
What will Simon do now?!
Sure, he plans on reprising his spot on the popular British TV series “The X Factor,” but is that his true calling?
We think not. Here are five jobs that Simon should put in his application for.
#5 “Dancing with the Stars” contestant

Image via Daily
Simon has been judging others for the past 9 years - lets see how he likes it when the tables are turned. Not to mention, he would do a killer salsa.
#4 Host of “American Idol”

Image via
Just because he doesn’t want to be a judge anymore, doesn’t mean Simon has to throw in the towel completely. And wouldn’t you love to hear him tackle Seacrest’s infamous line? “This. Is. Amerrrrrrican Idol.”
#3 Guest appearance as Janitor on “Glee”

Image via The Hollywood
Simon certainly doesn’t have any problem being in front of the camera and letting his voice be heard. What better way for Simon to shine than in the explosive Fox hit “Glee?” Hey, if JLo and Susan Boyle can do it, why not Simon?
#2 Cat Rescue Worker

Image via Just
Since he’s preoccupied with telling contestants how they sound like “cats jumping off the empire state building,” maybe Simon should invest some of his time with an animal rescue foundation. Put him in a room with an obnoxious feline, and Simon will be begging for Sanjaya to sing him a lullaby. Plus we already know that Simon has a soft spot for rescuing those in need, after all he did rescue Paula.
#1 Fashion Designer

Image via Big Mental
Oh come on, you know you’ve been dying to get your hands on one of Simon’s V-neck numbers. Color options are endless: choose from black, white or gray.
I would love to see Simon on DWTS and watch the heated exchange between him and the two male judges on the show. Now that would be intertaining TV.
Loved the piece.
I like the cat rescurer. # 2
Awesome article - I can’t see him getting jiggy with it on DWTS, but I imagine he would like wearing the low-cut outfits.