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THE POP FIX Attends Charlicien Calendar Launch Party

by thepopfix 3 September 2009 1,261 views One Comment E-mail thepopfix

THE POP FIX indulged in a night of music, dancing and margaritas in the name of salsa! Reporters Erin Darling and Vanessa Bezic joined the family, friends and fellow salseras of Charlicien — a company dedicated to empowering women, started by three LA-based salsa dancers — to celebrate the launch of their first calendar comprised of striking images of salsa dancers. Check out their adventures in youtube form, below:

The calendar launch party was hosted by Charlicien co-founders Felicia June, Alien Ramirez and Charlene Rose at Steven’s Steakhouse, one of the most popular salsa destinations in Los Angeles. The night began with the multi-talented ladies teaching salsa to newcomers and performing for them, later in the evening.


Here’s a sneak peek of the calendar, available through Charlicien.com


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