And The Ditto Continues…
To follow up on my report on Beth Ditto’s effort to triumphantly erupt in the fashion world as grandiosely as she has in the musical one, I would like to write on the collection she has graciously presented for Evans.
First up, there’s a little black dress, like a revenge against Jennifer Aniston’s painful abdomen or Britney Spears and her utterly gutless physique. Remember real girls have curves, and this will make a diva out of any given lady.
There’s also an interesting purple parka that will be magnificent on top of a long-sleeved pink shirt or even by itself, in lively purple with a forget-me-no blue accent.
She goes beyond pop art and shows a long blouse, or short dress, as you wish to describe it, and portrays black, layered by gray and blue accents, useful enough for clubbing or dining.
My picks are the small polka-dotted coat and the matching purse, that can also be purchased on the website. However, there are two items I wish to have you cross from the shopping list: the long denim skirt and the black leggings. They just don’t look good on anyone!
Editors note: I completely agree with Gerardo’s hesitance regarding the long denim skirt and the black leggings. The only long denim THE POP FIX recommends are jeans, and let’s put the legging trend back in the gym where it belongs…not on the streets. Check out more of Beth Ditto’s collection at the Evans website, here.
oh hellz no, ditto!