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The HBO television series “Entourage” concluded back in 2011 after it’s 8 season run, but fans were given an early Christmas present today. Warner Bros. Pictures has released the first official trailer for the highly anticipated big-screen version of the award-winning series. The movie will reunite the show’s original cast, led by Kevin Connolly, Adrian Grenier, Kevin Dillon, Jerry Ferrara and Jeremy Piven. The film is set to open in theaters on June 5, 2015. Below is the film’s description and a list of the guest stars and producers.
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In order to find the perfect present it all depends on the giftee. If you are lucky enough your family member or friend has been hinting around to what they want. In other cases you may have someone that you don’t really know very much about and the gift ideas are just not coming to your mind. Then we have the ones where the gift idea frustration becomes so difficult that the whole situation has become awkward. What do I buy them? What do they even like? If I buy them this, …
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During the month of December many businesses take the time to put work aside for day and allow staffers to celebrate the holidays. Everyone in the office normally gets together to enjoy food, drinks, music, and games. For larger offices this may even be the chance for you to socialize with other employees that are from a different department. That opportunity right there can cause a lot of stress. To help you make a great impression here some tips that will keep you from becoming the talk of the cubicle the next morning.
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We live in an age where everything popular in pop culture can be transformed in to any number of different forms to be consumed by fans. Mobile apps, parody Twitter accounts, cell phone covers, you name it and there’s sure to be a version with your favorite movie character or celebrity on it. Go ahead and add slot machines to the variety of ways it is now possible to enjoy your favorite shows and movies. While licensed slots are nothing new, they are becoming more and more ubiquitous, with game rights being sold at an incredible rate for successful franchises. Here’s a look at five of the best movie slot games currently available online according to
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Tim Burton is releasing a new movie this winter. Unlike the majority of his past films, this story will not have a super dark or colorful twist. There also will be no Johnny Depp. These facts are refreshing to many, who have grown a little tired of Burton’s style. The film “Big Eyes” will give viewers a chance to appreciate Burton’s directing and also allow the actors to shine versus the sometimes haunting visual images. Click to watch the newest trailer for “Big Eyes.”
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It’s here! The full-length worldwide trailer for the third installment of “The Hunger Games” titled, “Mockingjay Part 1,” is now online. In this “Mockingjay Lives” trailer we are braced with the reality that war has truly begun. Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) has destroyed the whole structure of the games and President Snow (Donald Sutherland) is far from happy. Now that Katniss knows Distrcit 13 exists, she is off to join President Coin (Julianne Moore) and friends to take on the Capitol.
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Breaking ground with his new sound, Salvatore Costa is ready to introduce the world to Smashing Satellites. His latest venture is not solely a collection of new music, but a movement that challenges listeners to question their attachment to technology. We currently live in a world where we share music via social media. Sal Costa urges us to rebuild the human connection and experience life and music together in real time. THEPOPFIX is honored to be a vehicle to help spread his message. We hope you enjoy our exclusive interview with Smashing Satellites’ Salvatore Costa.
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It is sad to confirm that Joan Rivers has passed away. The 81-year-old comedian died peacefully after being in a medical induced coma, followed by life support. Rivers had previously went in for surgery on her vocal chords and became unresponsive. Her daughter, Melissa Rivers, released the following statement regarding her mother’s passing.