Articles tagged with: whatsyourfix
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Normally when I mention Waffle House, its because we have just left the bar and are in need of a place that offers delicious food at all hours of the night. The breakfast chain has always been proud about serving American style waffles, but today this menu option holds more importance. Today the 2014 FIFA World Cup continues and USA will take on Belgium. Waffle House’s official Twitter recently sent out a tweet that has now caused a social media frenzy, ending with an official boycott on Belgium waffles.
Pop 5 »

Summer movie season is upon us and sequels are more popular than ever! “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,” “The Amazing Spider-Man 2,” “22 Jump Street,” “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and “Rio 2″ are all sequels in 2014 and since the unnecessary follow up has become a necessary evil of movie fandom, we’d like to countdown the POP5 Sequels That We’d Actually Like to See!
Love Letters, Video »

It’s no secret that THEPOPFIX loves Tina Fey! She’s a smart, fearless, funny female, and this week’s installment of “Lady Love Letters” is dedicated to her. Watch below as Kristin Mineo proclaims her love for Tina via a series of haikus in this heartfelt episode of the new series from THEPOPFIX that takes #WomenCrushWednesday to a whole new level! Enjoy the latest installment of “Lady Love Letters.”
Worst Things I Read... »

Regular viewers of THEPOPFIX know Clarke Wolfe by now. She’s the gal who is all about glasses, nautical stripes and horror! And as she’s discussed before in the case of “Paranormal Activity,” horror often gets a bad wrap whether it’s slow burn or slasher, ghosts or gore. Today Jill Kill joins THEPOPFIX to discuss the Worst Things I Read… About Horror Movies. Can’t even the classics catch a break? Spoiler Alert: not likely.
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Don’t you love it when your personal life converges with Hollywood? The latest sci-fi alien inspired film is based on the true events that surround the area that I was born and raised in. Imagine going on a camping trip with your family and all the sudden extraterrestrials show up. You’re no longer running to get firewood, but running for your life! You can watch “Alien Abduction” in theaters now, but meanwhile check out THEPOPFIX’s exclusive interview with Corey Eid, who stars in the film as Corey Morris.
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Let’s be honest, Monday’s normally suck. Not anymore though, because THEPOPFIX is now bringing you the music news you need to know and the new music you need to hear. Don’t worry next week I promise a detox from the Top 40 genre, but right now pop your headphones in and enjoy our first installment of: