Nissan Thinks Cubes Are Cool
Nissan just introduced the Nissan Cube, a car they said will aim at the 18-25-year-old demographic. Not since the Pontiac Aztec have I seen something so hideous.

Image Via Nissan
Chic? Subjective. Roomy? Sure. Economical? You betcha. Would I drive this around in Los Angeles? Hell no!
It looks like a metallic Shamu that was rejected from its clan and forced to drift onto the shores of America.
Already a hit in Japan, the car is supposed to go for $13,990–aimed for those on a budget. With 1.8 L, 122 horsepower and four cylinders, it’s not really that impressive, but maybe will appeal to those who are hit hard by the faltering economy.
Wanna successfully hit on some chicks while outside Urth on a Sunday morning? Try a Prius (ooh…so eco-friendly, like Leo!)
Wanna get laid with WOWers who have Wii remotes hidden in their back pockets with dual-remote controlled shockers laden with iPod speakers? Get a Cube. Or a Game Cube, your choice.
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