Reality Show Dating Reaches a New Low
It’s always boggled my mind how so many women are ready and willing to put their lives on hold and sign up for “The Bachelor” in a effort to find true love knowing that the success rate for relationships fostered on reality TV are slim to none. It may be hard to believe, but this thesis was written by an eternal optimist, one who truly believes that anyone can find love…given that love is rooted in reality and not based on a series of fantasy dates, not shrouded in a champagne-induced haze, and sans dramatic elimination ceremonies involving roses.
Last night’s finale of “The Bachelor” confirmed all of my doubts about the legitimacy of reality shows created to give men and women the chance to find life partners. This season’s bachelor, Jason Mesnick, got down on one knee and asked contestant, Melissa, to spend the rest of her life with him. An ecstatic Melissa yelped for joy, jumped up and down, and the couple celebrated over voice-overs of Mesnick proclaiming how good it was going to feel to put that ring on her finger.

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It seemed almost too cute, too happy, to sickeningly sweet to be true…
Turns out it was.
Unfortunately for Melissa, her fiancee must have taken a course on “ultimate inconsiderate break ups.” Mesnick took the opportunity of “The Bachelor: After the Final Rose” special to call off the engagement and tell her that he still had feelings for runner-up, Molly. Not only did he publicly humiliate the woman who he said he loved, but he didn’t even give her the chance to talk about it without a camera rolling.
Granted, once you sign on to participate, you’re probably contractually obligated to attend the reunion shows and specials related to “The Bachelor.” However, there is something to be said for the lack of sensitivity displayed by Mesnick, who appeared to feel completely justified in his decision to go back on his final elimination.
It gets worse. No more than a commercial break after announcing he no longer wanted to be in a relationship with Melissa, breaking her heart, and accepting the engagement ring back, Molly appears on the show.

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After hearing that Mesnick had broken up with fiancee Melissa, and how he wanted to give it a go with her, Molly gladly welcomes him back into her arms. All this without seeming to realize how badly he hurt Melissa (just seconds earlier) and how quickly he was ready to rebound reunite with someone else.
Television is all about ratings, and ABC is probably raking them in with the extended “After the Final Rose” specials, all of America interested in this controversial outcome. Especially because we all thought that single-dad Mesnick was a good guy who deserved this chance to find true love. After all, we did watch him get rejected by DeAnna Pappas in “The Bachorlette.” Ouch. And while I still believe that everyone deserves love, I also think that break ups should be considerate, private, and sensitive. This very public split was none of those things, and definitely worthy of a “Tool Academy” nomination.
Tune in to ABC tonight at 10 PM for part II of “The Bachelor: After the Final Rose.“

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I’m a HUGE fan of the bachelor and I will back it any day, but Jason is a douche.
A new LOW? This was positively subterranean. Jason is repulsive & Molly is pathetic. ABC is beneath contempt. F*ucking with people’s lives is unforgivable.
Well, whatever, at least he is hot. Maybe I’m just superficial as hell.
This was pathetic to say the least! What is wrong with U Molly, didn’t U feel anything for Melissa, and how he just dumped her on national television? Well, she is the real winner at this point to be rid of him for good
Dr. Phil, PLEASE call this serial women hunter up, and explain to him what he just did!
I dont know which is worse, the pathetic women with no self esteem who participate in these shows or the scum bag men who take advantage and manipulate these women for their 15 minutes of fame and ratings.
I guess they both deserve each other.
What an insentive and crude display of a break-up, and on national television. Jason is a selfish player who screws with chicks’ heads; tacky to the core, low class, inconsiderate and a common bore. And that’s just a few of the nicer words I have for him. I used to like him so much before he showed his true colors. I can’t stand him now, especially because of what he’s done to Melissa. Nonetheless, because this happened on the show for all to see (bad boy, Jason, for agreeing to hurting someone like that in that way, and ABC for obviously being behind it — for the ratings, of course), I’m done with watching another episode of The Bachelor ever again. I hope anyone I care about NEVER has the misfortune of meeting someone like Jason who likes to play mind games and then throw them away. I feel for Melissa, and I wish her all the best in staying strong because she didn’t deserve that kind of treatment, although Jason feels justified in putting it out there that way because, to him, he was keeping it real. But you know what, Jason, you can go straight to hell ’cause you’re a LOSER and one day karma will come back and bite you in the butt. You’ll get what you deserve one day, trust!
I think Jason is disgraceful, the shows producers are distasteful and I am disgusted at myself for being drawn in. I was delighted to see Melissa not let him off the hook…good for her. I think Molly is a fool…good luck to her. Here’s hoping they live “happily ever after”…AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN.
OMG! Erin! Great article and snarky witty commentary.
I’m a fan
Ahhh he is a tool
I think people need to give Jason a and Molly a break…If… and they ARE happy…then hey, it was a happy ending..Melissa was young…and I think when your in love with two people..just hope you pick the right one..and well he didnt at first and yes its sad he hurt Melissa but everybody gets hurt and at least Jason and Molly are happy and seem right for one another…