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Strippers, and midgets, and nudity – OH MILEY! Here’s a look at how bad girl du jour Miley Cyrus celebrated her 21st birthday.
Though her actual birthday was two days ago on November 23rd, Miley rang in the big 2-1 with a birthday party to remember (or forget, depending on levels of tequila consumption) last night after the American Music Awards.
The grand festivities went down at Beacher’s Madhouse in Hollywood’s Roosevelt Hotel and from the looks of it, it was a mad house indeed. Miley’s party included strippers, booze o’ plenty, and dancing midgets who reenacted her infamous twerk-tastic performance with Robin Thicke at the MTV VMA’s.
Of course, the guest list included celebrities like Kelly Osbourne, Tyler, The Creator, Wiz Khalifa, and Amber Rose, who were all able to take a bite out of the birthday girl in confectionary form as Miley’s multi-colored, tired birthday cake prominently featured a nude doll made in her likeness, wearing nothing but a few strategically placed marijuana leaves.
She may be one year older, but it doesn’t look like anything is slowing down the self-proclaimed girl who “can’t be tamed.”
How do you think Miley’s recovering today after her big 21st birthday bash?
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And by that I mean, the right to choose to wear our mascara to bed shame-free with reckless abandon. With or without a consenting partner.
But does your favorite mascara have the intensity to survive 24 hours under pressure, withstanding the elements, pillows, or a night fending off douchebags at the local club du jour?
Going where no woman has dared go before, I put five different mascaras to what I officially dubbed as “The Morning After Test,” a rigorous cosmetic obstacle course comprised of various hurdles womenkind have encountered during extended wear including (but not limited to): smudges, smears, clumps, and waking up looking like you barely survived a bar brawl.
And yes, I actually slept in them, making this a must read for walk-of-shamers, and habitual-inebriated-passer-outers everywhere.
Read on for my scientific findings in…
1. Bare Escentuals bareMinerals Flawless Definition Volumizing Mascara:
In spite of what the name so boldly suggests, this mascara is far from flawless. Although bareMinerals Flawless Definition Volumizing Mascara comes equipped with a huge brush of Diorshow proportions, its unique NutriPlump formula is definitely not as smudge or smear-proof as it claims to be. This product was like my last one night stand, love at first sight, but a whole different story in the light of day. I woke up to a mess that could only be described as gummy, easily smeared, sticky and not waterproof.
-Morning after look & feel 5/10
-Smudge test 4/10
-Water test 3/10
-Overall rating 4/10
2. Urban Decay Supercurl Curling Mascara:
Leave it to Urban Decay to make the morning after pretty. Not only did this product stay put ‘til the wee hours, but the next morning it looked almost the same as when I originally applied it! Not smeared. Not smudged. Easily removed. Added bonus, this mascara is packed with glycoprotein for lash thickening, moringa seeds to help with curl definition, and meadowfoam seed oil and shea butter for conditioning and smoothing. And to that I say, “awesome.”
-Morning after look & feel 10/10
-Smudge test 10/10
-Water test 9/10
-Overall rating 9.5/10
3. Too Faced LashGasm:
With a name like LashGasm it has to be great, right? Wrong. Too Faced LashGasm claimed to be “voluptuous” and “fluffing,” but left me wanting more after I discovered its puny brush. Some things in life should really come with a disclaimer: “All talk, no action.” LashGasm is the cosmetic equivalent of the cute boy at the dark bar. Looks great initially, might even last for longer than you expected, but the next morning you realize it’s just not memorable enough to have you coming back for more.
-Morning after look & feel 6/10
-Smudge test 6/10
-Water test 6/10
-Overall rating 6/10
4. Make Up Forever Smoky Lash:
Finally, a mascara that delivers all night long! Smoky Lash darkens, defines, and lengthens without looking fake. It looks just as fabulous after 15 hours of wear as it did 15 seconds after initial application. The only downside, it’s not waterproof and can be little flaky. Not ideal for the morning after, depending on what kind of trouble you plan on getting into during your night’s activities. Ahem. That being said, this is a good one, but buyer beware!
-Morning after look & feel 7/10
-Smudge test 8/10
-Water test 3/10
-Overall rating 6/10
5. Fairydrops Scandal Queen Mascara:
l think I’m in love. Or at least a really intense, stalk-you-on-the-internet, let’s-get-married-in-Vegas kind of lust. Although I was initially skeptical of the strange brush (which looks more like a Christmas ornament than a mascara wand), I gave it a chance and was pleasantly surprised. This water and sweat resistant formula looked good all day, night and on to the morning after.
-Morning after look & feel 8/10
-Smudge test 8/10
-Water test 9/10
-Overall rating 9/10
I had the chance to talk to Keaton Simons about upcoming projects, collaborations and his views on the changing face of the music industry. For more on Keaton Simons check him out on Facebook, and be sure to download your copy of “If I Hadn’t Forgotten” on iTunes.
Q. You’re involved in so many different things and projects. What are you working on now?
A. I’m working on a number of different things. I’ve started doing a bit more production, working on fun projects on my own. My main thing is I am running this PledgeMusic campaign to promote my new album.
Q. Sounds great. What’s PledgeMusic?
A. It’s like Kickstarter. A lot of great artists are doing it. It’s basically an artist/audience partnership. You create a goal for yourself whether it’s to make an album or EP. I had already made an album with (producer) Mikal Blue and wanted to take the next step, independently, so I decided to do it through PledgeMusic. In my case it’s a unique situation because the album is already recorded, so we are focusing on marketing, and other aspects that the public doesn’t usually get to see or become involved in. Most pledge campaigns are to fund the recording process. So, now is the next step which is deciding the final sequence of the album, determining the album artwork, media campaigns and touring. It’s great having my fans be a part of the process, whether they want to be involved or just be observers of the process.
For a pledge of 10 bucks you get the album and exclusive videos and stuff like that. Also, there’s a charity tie-in for every PledgeMusic campaign so some of my profits will go to Falling Whistles, and .
Q. What made you decide to put your project on PledgeMusic in the first place?
A. They actually came to me, it was very cool. We set up a meeting and made it happen. A lot of people that I know have done them and run some really successful campaigns. I made this album and I’ve been shopping it around to labels but in that process I realized that I’d gone way too long without making new music. I thought…this is ridiculous, I just need to get some damn music out there. Gotta get back to the core of it. I love making music and sharing it with people, so this is the most effective way I can do that.
Q. Speaking of sharing music and content, I see you’re really active on YouTube. How often do you post to YouTube or use social media?
A. A few times a week. I’m always trying to come up with new stuff. My girlfriend is on top of it, man. It’s so much easier when you have partnership! But I post as consistently as I can. I recently did an online concert at . A lot of my friends have done them, like Lisa Loeb. It’s an online streaming concert where you can set up a ticket price and play/
Q. That’s amazing. It’s incredible how technology has really changed the face of the music industry…
A. It’s revolutionized it completely. I’ve been in the industry for so long, through so many revolutionary changes. When I first started performing music there was no YouTube or Twitter. It was on the tail end of people making bootleg cassette tapes. Then illegal downloading went out of control. I’ve worked with major labels and watched them totally freak out…It’s fascinating. There are so many challenges and obstacles that rapid change can create, but it also creates opportunities. There are so many opportunities for young artists you just have to work your ass off.
It’s such a different world. Years ago, in order to make a recording, you had to get a studio and find a producer. But now it’s a totally different game. Why would I wait for the whole process and prevent releasing new music? It’s the opposite of what I’m trying to accomplish.
Q. What are you trying to accomplish?
A. I’ve got pretty massive goals and aspirations but I love music and I love sharing it with people. My universe has always been very music centric. When I get caught up in record labels and the industry, I get back to my center. The more music I can create and the more people I can share it with, the better. That’s where all of my goals for success in the music business come from.
Q. Do you have any advice for aspiring songwriters/performers trying to do the same thing?
A. People ask me that a lot and my best advice is really indulge in your authenticity. Don’t try to emulate someone else because the world in general is abundant as long as everyone maintains their authentic, unique self. Whatever’s really you, just be that, and there will be room for you. Work hard and remember why you do it. Do it because you love music. All the ups and downs will be easier to handle if you love the process. That gets you through. if your focus is right, it will point you in the direction you need to go.
Q. You’ve worked with a lot of interesting artists in the past and currently, what are some of your favorite collaborations?
A. One of my favorites was the song I wrote with Jason Mraz, he’s been a great friend and a really supportive person. I appreciate him tremendously and I love that song. One of my best friends is an upcoming performing, Jay Ollero, he’s fantastic and we’ve written some really cool stuff together. I appreciate all of the collaborations.
I recently had a song, “If I Hadn’t Forgotten” featured on “Private Practice.” I wrote it with Jason Reeves, he’s best known for writing with Colbie Caillat. He’s wonderful…The episode opens with Kate Walsh in a therapy session, and she has a song stuck in her head and she starts signing the lyrics to my song…It was insane placement! I wanted to maximize the exposure so I recorded a duet with a friend of mine, Didi Benami, in order to release it in addition to the original version of the song. That was a fun collaboration too, but so much of music is about sharing and I love sharing with people and playing with people.
It’s a fun journey and I love the collaboration between myself, other artists and the audience. so get involved and you won’t be sorry.
More below!
Image via Joystick Junkies
Q: What was the initial inspiration behind Joystick Junkies?
A: Well, I started life playing an Atari 2600 as a kid and was obsessed with every new arcade machine that hit the local arcades. I loved the pixelated neon characters, the beautiful art on the side of the arcade machines. Fast forward to the 90′s and I was working on a series of massive electronic music festivals in the UK called Tribal Gathering. In 1996 Playstation arrived on the scene and sponsored a couple of the festivals. The clash of cool club culture and video games got me thinking about gaming in a big way.
It wasn’t until shortly after Tribal Gathering I started a PR agency in 1998 working with video games companies that things took shape. We were helping games companies do cool launch parties, promotional merchandise, etc and I was wondering why no one had done any clothing linked to games, so it wasn’t long before that idea drove me to start Joystick Junkies.
However, I was originally inspired by the presence of Playstation amongst the festival goers, the same people who were dancing in tents with 10,000 other people in front of Underworld, Leftfield, Carl Cox or Sasha we’re hanging out playing Playstation, it was the same crowd, the same crowd I knew were spending a fortune on our festival merchandise with the cool Tribal Gathering art and were also wearing cool graphics inspired by many other world famous brands. So when I was producing merchandise for games companies it made me realize that if I could create a line of clothing based on those classic video game icons with a club culture twist then we might be on to a winner.
Image via Joystick Junkies
Q: What are some of the new projects/collaborations you’re working on?
A: Joystick Junkies just launched a line of tees in Foot Locker Europe based on all the latest games, so far we’ve had designs based on Dragon Age 2, Fight Night Champion, Red Faction Armageddon, Homefront, Alice Madness Returns and Dead Rising 2 go in to 216 stores.
We have been working with Deadmau5 on a line of tees which touch on his love for 8-bit characters and the line has been really successful in the US and Europe.
Q: That’s so exciting, I love Deadmau5. Every season you create has a very unique feel and theme, what’s up next?
A: That’s right, you can’t just stick another bunch of tees out there. We work on a theme which will affect the way we do all the photoshoots, fashion shows, flyer designs and of course the t-shirt designs for that season. The next one is going to be great fun, it touches on classic B-Movie imagery and is called Junkie Attack! We’re going to be shooting the model’s in B-Movie style situations and the range is our twist on the genre so expect some crazy designs.
Q: Can’t wait! It sounds like you’ve thrown some pretty epic parties…what’s your best soiree story you can share with us?
A: There was this one party we threw for the opening night of a massive televised gaming festival in London called Game Stars Live for 20,000 people. All the games companies, models and press were invited. It was based on the spoof Casino Royale movie with Woody Allen so we had crazy go-go girls in 60′s dresses, a Frank Sinatra (who was so like Frank!), casino and Joystick Junkies dollar bills for endless free drinks to keep the 700 guests happy and London’s hottest DJ’s at the time to keep them going till the early morning finish.
The best bit had to be the secret agent Marta Hari entrance, if you had the code word she’d give you some free champagne on entrance. Of course some more than willing guys were desperate for the VIP treatment and on entry were told by the stunning Marta Hari in the blacked out room to perform an ‘amusing’ tricks for her in return for the free champagne. Little did they realize they were on screens throughout the venue and were welcomed with a roar of applause!
Image via Joystick Junkies
Q: Risque, I love it! So, have celebrities been spotted wearing Joystick Junkies and what celebrities would you love to see your brand on?
A: Recently Eliza Doolittle was spotted in our Anarchy tee in Hollywood, rocking it as a t-shirt dress with trainers, Tommy Lee has been wearing our Pirate Skull tee on tour with Motley Crue and Deadmau5, Bronson Pelletier one of the wolves in Twilight was wearing our Team Junkie t-shirt in between takes, whilst Agyness Deyn, Gary Dourdan from CSI and Deadmau5 have been rocking our 8-bit pendants.
I’d love to see a wider range of people from TV and film to musicians and DJ’s. It’s hard to say who should be wearing it when we all have such different tastes but personally I’d love to see Johnny Depp in JJ or our queen of style, Kate Moss working it!
Q: What’s you’re all time favorite game?
A: It has to be Halo 2. Not only an amazing graphical shooter on the Xbox 360 but the first truly easy to play online experience. I’ve yet to see a game that moves the scene on as much as that genre defining title.
Q: So now that we know more about you and Joystick Junkies, where can we find your line?
A: Obviously online at (just choose which store US or Europe you want) but also a growing list of retailers like Foot Locker in Europe, River Island and in the UK, in Europe. We’ve just launched for retail in the US and will be announcing a number of retailers who signed up once they get stock in.
Q: Thanks so much, Chris! loves Joystick Junkies!
Image via Joystick Junkies
Best Dressed
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I can’t even think of the last time I saw Reese’s hair up…maybe when she herself won an Oscar back in 2006. Reese stepped out in that bombshell updo-ponytail and made jaws drop. Now that’s when you know you’ve nailed a good look. Minimal jewelry was a huge trend on the red carpet, as seen here on Reese with no necklace and only a bracelet and earrings. I’m a fan.
Only drawback (not even sure if you can call it that), the dress resembled Julia Roberts gown from 2001. And it was very Kelly Taylor/Brenda Walsh Beverly Hills 90210 circa Spring Formal 1991.
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My, oh my how her life has changed in one year. Red was a hot color for the red carpet this year – oh so fitting. Yet a general rule is to stay away from red, since it can sometimes blend right into the carpet and wash out a celeb completely. But Sandra pulled it off quite beautifully and the detail on the train makes this gown.
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There’s a little thing that happens in Hollywood after a divorce… it’s called ‘look absolutely KILLER at the next mega awards show.’ In other words, it’s a big slap in the face, divorce never looked so good and ‘hey, I’m back on the market’ kind of look. Several women in recent years are famous for it (Reese, Eva) and now you can add Scarlett to that list. The dress literally looks like it was made for her. And again, barely there jewelry – love!
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Amy Adams looked gorg in her stunning blue number. And while it looked very lovely on the red carpet, it was an absolute knock out on stage during the live show. The lights on stage captured all the sequins and made her shine!
But, but, but…the necklace was a downer. If her stylist would’ve scrapped that, the look would have been divine. P.S. Loved the waves in her hair!
Worst Dressed
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And the Oscar for most hideous dress/worst use of the colors lavender and lime goes to…Cate Blanchett. As one Twitter-ite put it, “Cate is wearing my grandmother’s chair.”
I’ve never had such strong feelings against a dress in my life! First, why would you combine lavender and lime green together on a gown? Then there’s the whole bubble detail on the dress – that either looks like popcorn or boils, I can’t tell. Then we have the use of shapes for the Kindergarten crowd – a massive circle on her chest and two upside down horse shoes on her hips. And to top off the look…pleats. Oh my.
The insane thing is that she landed on few best dressed lists. They must be smoking whatever James Franco is smoking.
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Who wears duct tape on the red carpet? Gwyneth does! The metallic silver color was a dud on her and so was her boring hair. If you only look at the top of the dress it looks like a life preserve jacket, or at best a men’s suit vest. And what is it with Gwyn and plunging necklines while everyone else is turning to high necklines? Points for being unique.
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Nicole and her stylist seem to be stuck in 1995. The string of dresses she’s been wearing this award season look like they came right out of her Tom Cruise days…aka the 90s. I wish Nicole could take the style she embodied at the Grammys and carry that with her. Although ponytails seem to be the new ‘it’ hairdo on the red carpet – the bangs in her face fell flat, just like the rest of her look.