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“The City” Scores a Second Season

by Erin Darling 27 January 2009 3,079 views 2 Comments E-mail Erin Darling

If you’re a fan of Whitney Port, her hot aussie boyfriend, and her entourage of girls and guys with dramatic relationships, then by-golly, you’re in luck! According to “The Hollywood Reporter” MTV has decided to renew the spin-off of “The Hills,” bringing it on for a second season.

If you missed last night’s episode, here’s a little recap (complete with photos for dramatic, story-telling enhancement):

So, last time, Adam was shady.

Courtesy of MTV.com

Courtesy of MTV.com

His girlfriend, Allie, confronted him about rumors of infidelity… It appears as if he’s blatantly lying.

Courtesy of MTV.com

Courtesy of MTV.com

If you’re still following, you can see that guys kind of suck, but Jay redeems the entire male sex by finally committing to Whitney. Whitney drops the bomb that his cheating friends are a reflection of him.

Courtesy of MTV.com

Courtesy of MTV.com

Jay is pissed at Whitney’s presumptuous nature.

Courtesy of MTV.com

Courtesy of MTV.com

Tune in, Mondays at 10 PM for more…

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  • KEEPer said:

    Whitney is so cute. Too bad she has a personality as bland as mayonnaise.
    Though mayo IS delicious. Whitney is too. Where do they find all these good looking ppl? I’m flabbergasted.

  • sunny said:

    I LOVE THE CITY. Way better than The Hills. Whitney is a sweetheart. I don’t think she’s bland. She actually has a brain, she’s successful in her endeavors, she gives thoughtful answers, and she’s down the earth to top it all off.

    All I saw from The Hills was lame cat-fighting and prolonged stares in between statements….”Like…yannoe…?”…”Yah…totally…”

    Go Whitney!

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